1st year condolence ceremony for the former Thai King Rama IX.

タイ王国・故プミポン国王(Thai King Rama IX)の一周忌追悼式典がパタヤにある木造寺院「The Sanctuary of Truth」で行われました。5つの宗教(仏教、ヒンドゥー教、キリスト教、シーク教、イスラム教)の信者が宗教の垣根を越え互いに集い、故プミポン国王が後世へ伝え残した教えについて、各々の宗派や信者たちが語り合いました。また、300人の仏弟子(出家したタイの子供たち)やパタヤに駐在している海兵隊、その他外国人含め大勢の現地の人々が集いました。そして故プミポン国王の肖像画が飾られる祭壇前で花束を手向ける儀式を行い、そこへ集った全員が善人として生きることを誓いました。


The Sanctuary of Truth
Website : https://sanctuaryoftruthmuseum.com/

For a documentary video of this event, please click on this link here.


[plantica] Dedication of Life 2017

A short documentary to focus into the various aspects of life, connected by the death of a former Thai King Rama IX. The event took place on December 2017 in ‘Sanctuary of Truth’ Pattaya, Thailand, as a 1st year condolence ceremony of the King. The event created diverse mixture of religious and cultural backgrounds, connecting people through a common sympathy. Associating to the event, the film puts a focus on 3 occupations; flower artists, craftsmen, and monks. By giving an insight through the roles of their dedication, the film seeks a meaning toward what life is about. Along with the musical score, the narration is generated by artificial intelligence voice, creating an outer perspective to gaze the activities of mankind.